EXTRA EXTRA HiFi: This week in content creation, Top 10 on my radar.
Does HiFi audio gear and music excite you? If yes, then we share this passion in common. Here are top ten news stories on my Radar. Given that we share this passion in common, you should enjoy these stories too.
1. (USA) @eCoustics founder Brian Mitchell with T.H.E. Show SVP Emiko Carlin on T.H.E. Talk about HEADPHONIUM June 10-13, 2022 and the value of content creation and creators. Replay on YouTube, FB or LinkedIn
Thank you Emiko and Brian for the shoutout!
2. (CAN) The Montreal audio fest happened last weekend and with a lot of content creation; PS Audio’s FR-30s got attention. I’ve been living vicariously through Thomas and Jay’s stories - thanks guys!
3. (GER) John interviews 6moons writer Srajan Ebaen on the Darko.Audio podcast. Of interest; a compelling discussion about amplifier musicality vs resolution. Listen to broaden your lexicon of sounds on audio.
4. (CAN GBR) Thomas & Stereo interviews Pearl Acoustics inventor & classical recording engineer Harley Lovegrove if a speaker can be good even if it’s not flat? Thomas is releasing a speaker and amp into the consumer market. This ties in so well with No.5 news story:
5. (GER) Rocket-scientist Jesco Lohan of Acoustics Insider interviews physicist Klaus Heinz of HEDD audio on why we can’t make a prediction about how we will enjoy a speaker’s performance based solely on their measurements - a must listen.
6. (USA) That HIFI Girl interviews Pro Audio Engineer Cookie Marenco of Blue Coast Records; replay this on YouTube at emikomusic. Talking about Extended Sound Environment (ESS) & direct stream digital (DSD), the fact that the cable debate does not exist, and gender stereotypes in audio. Ask me how DSD differs from PCM.
7. (USA) Herb Reichert of Stereophile(dot)com published OJAS Devon Turnbull’s Japanese influenced system. I want a Fostex Super Woofer, but Julie might kill me! I keenly appreciate the description of the bass this speaker produces. Bigger does not equal louder - FYI.
8. (USA) Is Danny smoking? but I appreciate his technical conversations on measurements and component quality even if it gets “sticky”. Some of the most important measurements in dynamics is time, phase and coherence; don’t simply look in the frequency domain.
9. (BRZ) Lucas Mazer talks about his Audiopax Mandolin Ceramik high end loudspeakers on YouTube at BLauPunKT - go follow.
10. (USA) HiFi Turtle shares Listen2Listen(dot)com’s Instagram meme on audiophile fuses! ROL I love it. Stories are where it’s at on IG.
(WORLD) I’ve been reading The Economist magazine to broaden my global perspectives and challenge bias. Reading and writing strengthens your brain and makes you smarter every day (dot)com
And that’s a wrap. Tune into EXTRA EXTRA every week for your HiFi top 10 Content Creation.